As I am typing this I am waiting for tonight's prank to occur. The last 2 nights I have had a knock on the door and items left in the mailbox or on the front step. Each of these happened between 10:15 & 10:25.
On Thursday night there was a small knock on the storm door at 10:15. I was not fully dressed. I was getting ready to go take a shower, so I decided to ignore the knock. I figured it was a kid due to the lightness of the knock. An adult would have had a louder harder knock. Friday morning when I was checking to see if the mail had arrived yet, I found a note. It said "I Love U Jay. From Ashley". We teased Jay about having a girlfriend, not knowing what Friday night would bring.
Friday night at about 10:25 I was on the phone talking to my brother and trying to get the bathroom painted. I happened to be in the kitchen and heard something hit the glass on the front door. If something hit the glass that meant that the storm door had been opened. I went to the front door, flipped on the front light and looked outside. The storm door was wide open and on the front step was a white plastic Walmart bag. I decided to just leave it sitting there until morning when I could get a better look at what it was. In retrospect, the dog had been barking prior to all of this happening and I just thought she was barking at a cat or something. I guess I will take her barking a bit more seriously from now on.
She was barking just a few minutes ago, so I got ready to take action. I have a flashlight with brand new batteries in it and my cell phone ready. If there is another incident tonight I am prepared to have the local law enforcement get involved. I believe all of these things are coming from the kids who live two houses down from us. One of those girls is named Ashley. My brother wanted me to call the police last night. I decided to wait and see if this was going to become a nightly thing. He argued with me and said that before long we might have a flaming bag on the doorstep that could catch the whole house on fire. I would hope that these kids wouldn't do something like that, but it is a possibility of something that could happen.
I know when we were kids the worst thing that I participated in was TPing a house or two. I think we may have also soaped a few car windows.
Oh, BTW, the bag that was left on the step contains something stinky. I did not open it to see exactly what. I carefully moved it this morning when I went out to get the newspaper. I left it out there but a bit away from the steps. I did this so that if something happened tonight and I called the Police I could show them exactly what was left on my doorstep the previous night.
I wonder if the pranksters will make an appearance tonight. It is currently 10:30 and so far nothing has happened that I know of. My fear is that all of this will next be directed at our vehicles or the dog. She is usually left outside. I want her out there right now, so that if these kids return, she will very likely will warn me that they are around by barking. The only problem with that tonight is the neighbor in between our two houses is dog-sitting again for his daughter. When that dog is in his back yard Jasmine and that dog bark at each other.