I know I have been very negligent about posting. I have just been so incredibly busy since the school year started, so I will try to update on everything.
Sissy is doing great at day care. She does cry some mornings when I leave her, but I know that she is fine by the time I get to the car. She also loves her speech therapist, Leslie. She has not started saying anything new, but she is doing a few simple signs, which seems to be helping to decrease her frustration level.
Zee loves preschool. She is constantly pretending to play school and imitating her teacher. She asks me every day if it is a school day. When I told her today that tomorrow is a school day, she told me "It is tomorrow." She cracks me up!!!
Jay is doing well in junior high. We just got his first progress report in the mail yesterday and he is doing well. His lowest grade is a "C".
School is going pretty well for me. I had a bit of a rocky start with my student teaching. I have had some trouble adjusting to not being in charge of the class. I have not worked as an assistant in about 14 years. When I began my career in the Early Childhood field I was promoted to lead teacher after only working in the field for about a year. I took my first job in a day care center about a month after I graduated from high school, so I have been in a position of authority for the majority of my career.
I meet on campus one night a week and that is going pretty well. I have only 6 others in the class with me. They have all taken classes together for several semesters. I am returning after 5 years. The instructor calls upon me to share my experiences as a director quite frequently. She has also recommended to another student that she ask me to come to her home day care and help rearrange things. This student told me that the instructor said that she is very happy that I am in the class, that I am a great resource.
I had better get back to my homework. Hopefully I will find time to post more frequently.